Club Events
Krusin Klassics meetings are held at the Elks Lodge in Escanaba on the second Thursday of every month. There are no meetings for July, August as we opt to have a few summer cruises instead.
Would you like to be part of a fun group that wants to help the community they live in and happens to enjoy classic and antique cars? Would you enjoy helping to host one of the premier car shows and swap meets in the Upper Midwest? Would you like to have a group of friends to ride with on a car cruise who treat you like family? Do you enjoy picnics and Christmas parties? This page has a few of the pictures of one of our cruises. This was an exceptional day and made possible by the hostess we met at one of the shows we took the Fun Run Raffle vehicle to. Just come to a meeting of Krusin Klassics or fill out the application on the contact us page of this website.
You can see by the pictures here that we have a good time and you can relax among friends. These are some pictures of our trip to Wisconsin in 2018. Starting from top left and going around the pictures clockwise are: most of the group in attendance for a group photo, we had a sit down lunch served to us and we are enjoying it in air conditioned comfprt in the grand ballroom, then is a picture of the mosaic the ballroom owners had commissioned above the stage, the toys on the table were some of the extra touches the owners put at each table to make us feel at home, and why wouldn't we with a meal like the one pictured at left on bottom row. Join us and bring your ideas for another great cruise. By the way, no club money was or is spent on excursions and cruises. Profits from Fun Run go to charitable organizations.